Mirador Base de las Torres

Probably the most popular hike in Torres del Paine National Park


Useful information regarding the hike to Mirador Base de las Torres in Torres del Paine National Park

Time of Visit: December 2023

Duration of Visit: Day hike


At the start of the hike a few minutes from the welcome center. The “torres” can be seen just to the right of the large snowcapped mountain.

The Mirador Base de las Torres is probably the most popular day hike in Torres del Paine National Park.  As the name implies, the hike’s destination is to a viewpoint of the three mountain peaks.  The hike to Mirador Base de las Torres is part of the famous “W” trek in Torres del Paine National Park.

Trail Statistics

Day Hike Access:  From the park’s northeast Welcome Center (through the Porteria y Guarderia Laguna Amarga)

Distances:  30 minutes walk from welcome center to the “W” trek.  6.8 kms (one way) to Mirador Base de los Torres once on the “W” trek.

Duration:  From the Welcome Center, on average, 4 hours up, 4 hours down.

Elevation Gain:  750+ meters (2,400+ ft)

Trail Description

Hiking map at Rifugio Chileno

We describe the trail in four legs.  Leg 1 is from the Welcome Center to Hotel Las Torres.  Leg 2 is from Hotel Las Torres to Rifugio Chileno.  Leg 3 is from Rifugio Chileno to the Ranger Station. Leg 4 is from the Ranger Station to the Mirador Base de las Torres.

Leg 1 – Welcome Center to Hotel Las Torres

Hotel Las Torres to the right of the picture

People are not allowed to walk on the road between the Welcome Center and Hotel Los Torres.  However, there is a parallel trail that allows hikers to reach the hotel.  It takes around 20 minutes and is flat except for a few steps to get over the livestock fence. 

Go to the left of the Welcome Center’s cafeteria to access the trail.  There are plenty of signs to direct hikers. Just follow the arrows pointing to the hotel. This part of the trail is exposed.  We started our hike at 10 AM and it got pretty warm when the wind was not blowing.  

Leg 2 – Hotel Las Torres to Rifugio Chileno

At the “W” trek fork
Just past Paso de los Ventos (Windy Pass) to Rifugio Chileno

The leg of the trail is exposed with a few trees here and there allowing hikers to take a break under a shade.  

The trail passes in front of the hotel.  It will cross a suspension bridge where there is a sign that states only two people at a time on the bridge.  Shortly after the bridge you will come to a fork on the trail as you hit the famous “W” trek.  Take the right fork where the sign shows “Sector Chileno Mirador Base Torres”.  The sign also shows that it is 6.8 kilometers to the destination.

The trail then ascends continuously to Paso de los Vientos or Windy Pass.  Along the way, the trail is marked with wooden stakes with orange paint and reflector.  Most of the trail is deeply rutted because it is also used by horses that bring supplies to the rifugio.  In some places, there are parallel trails to avoid the main trail that has large rocks. 

Windy Pass is the narrow part of the valley so the winds are the strongest at this location.  Make sure your hat is secure or you may inadvertently part with it.  The trail then descends down to the rifugio.  Most people reach the rifugio two hours into the hike.

Leg 3 – Rifugio Chileno to Ranger Station

Reifugio Chileno guest accommodation
Sign (in Spanish) before the ranger station

Food and drinks are available at the rifugio.  It also has toilets but they charge 1,000 CLP.  Outside the rifugio is a faucet where hikers fill up their water bottle. The refugio is basically a large mess hall with kitchen, toilet and shower facilities. Supplies are brought by gauchos on pack horses. Those that do the “O” and “W” treks normally reserve a spot here.

It takes about an hour to get from the rifugio to the ranger station. Majority of the trail is through the forest so we got a welcome break from the scorching sun.  The trail undulates but overall climbs higher in elevation until reaching the ranger station.

There is a handwritten sign before the ranger station,  The sign is in Spanish indicating what activities are not allowed.  The most important information on the sign is that hikers are no longer allowed to proceed after 15:00 hours (that would be a bummer after toiling for three hours only to find out you have to turn back).  On our return trip, we saw a ranger behind the bush making sure that there were no hikers sneaking in. 

The other important information on the sign is that all hikers are required to leave the mirador by 16:00 hrs. 

Leg 4 – Ranger Station to Mirador Base de las Torres

The trail opens up past the ranger station. The “torres” peaks once again become visible.
The destination, the jade colored lake below the towering peaks

This final leg takes another hour but is the most grueling.  It is basically being on a never ending stairmaster until you reach the destination.  The trail is pretty much over rocks and roots.  The first 30 minutes of the trail still continue through the forest.  It is all exposed once you reach the boulder field and to the destination.

Some sections of the trail are wet due to water running across the trail.  Some rocks can be slippery because of it being wetted by hiker’s soles.

The trail in this section can be narrow in some places where you have to give way to other hikers going the opposite direction.  We reached the mirador at 14:40 and there were at times a never ending line of hikers coming down while we were coming up.  We were also caught having to patiently slow down on the descent when there was a slow moving hiker ahead of us. 


The Mirador Base de las Torres in Torres del Paine National Park is probably the most popular hike in the park.  The hike takes an average of 8 hours total, 4 hours going up and 4 hours going down.  The hike is part of the famous “W” trek and takes hikers to the turquoise colored lake at the base of the three famous towers.

The hike’s final leg which starts at the ranger station is the most grueling.  It just continues to climb up over rocks and roots.  Your quads and calves will definitely get a workout going up and your knees would be tested on the way down.

You need to reach the Ranger Station by 3 PM or else you will have to turn back to avoid being fined.  You also need to leave the mirador by 4 PM.  So keep these times and the hiking times in mind as you plan this hike.

Difficult as it may be, the view at the mirador makes it all worthwhile.