Terms and Conditions


Thank you for visiting our website and reading about our travels and explorations. 

We are Arlyn and Noel from Arizona, USA. We both retired from our jobs in 2019 and have since been exploring the world.

We write about our exploration experiences to inform others. Our goal is to explore one country a month (more or less) for as long as we can. We created this website in 2021 to share our experience, good or bad, so that others may benefit from what we have done and learned. We hope that you will find our blogs and stories useful and inspire you to pursue your own explorations.



All the contents of retiretoexplore.com reflect our own personal experience and opinions.  Although we try to make our contents up to date and relevant whenever possible, we make no claim of its accuracy or completeness and therefore not liable for any errors or omissions.

What You Accept in Using This Website

The contents of this website, whether stated or implied, are not intended as advice, counsel, guidance, recommendation or the like.  We are not liable for any damages, injuries, losses or anything similar resulting from adapting, implementing or using any of the information presented in this website.  You are solely responsible for any and all conditions and situations, good or bad, that may arise from your actions as a result of reading the articles on retiretoexplore.com.

By reading our website content, you agree that you are doing so of your own free will. If you try something we have written about on this site, you are doing it at your own risk.

Do not continue to use Retire To Explore’s website if you do not accept all of the stated Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By accessing this website you explicitly accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy stated here in full.

Intellectual Property Rights

All written content on this site is owned by Retire to Explore and are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. The Site is provided solely for your personal noncommercial use. You may not use the Site or the materials available on the Site in a manner that constitutes an infringement of our rights or that has not been authorized by us. 

You may NOT modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, translate, sell, create derivative works, exploit, or distribute in any manner or medium (including by email or other electronic means) any material from the Site without prior permission. You may, however, download, print, and/or share one copy of individual pages of the Site for non-commercial use, provided that you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices.


We may revise these Terms and Conditions from time to time at our sole discretion. If we do, the “Last Updated” date will reflect the date it was last revised. We encourage you to review the Terms and Conditions whenever you use information from our website.  You consent to the revised Terms and Conditions if you continue to use the contents of our website after the changes have gone into effect.

Last Updated: February 15, 2023